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École française

XVIe-XIXe siècle

Young Girl in a Jet Necklace

This portrait was, for a long time, attributed to Baron Gros, evidence of the high esteem in which he was held. The clothes and hairstyle indicate that it could have been painted in a provincial studio. Its modernity brings it closer to the Romantic movement: the beauty of the subject, the boldness of the brushwork livening up the sleeves, the simplicity of the pose, the quality of the colours – the blue ribbon around the dress gives a bright splash of colour – all are the hallmarks of a masterpiece. With her crossed hands and face partly turned away, she exudes a modesty that is softened by the skin tones, painted with the liberal use of impasto and the confident application of pink on the cheeks. The sculptural nature of her hair and curls, with the blue band wound round, reveal a piece of pure painting.

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