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The museum has a wealth of furniture. Installed by the Magnins for the visitors' enjoyment, they are often an unexpected delight. Just like the painting collection, the furniture reflects the personal tastes of Magnins: the rarest and most refined example, a writing desk for two young ladies by the cabinet-maker Bon Durand. The overall impression is one of sobriety, which suits a wealthy middle class home and reflects a taste for discreet elegance, a long way from the highly worked gildings and bronzes.


We can also admire the sinusoidal line of the small chest of drawers by Carel, as well as the calfskin marquetry and the trompe-l'œil of the late 18th century writing desk. The Louis XIV (flat-topped bureau) and Louis XVI furniture - particularly the Jollain-stamped, lacquered writing desk by Coromandel - together with the 19th century pieces (First and Second Empire pieces), are more numerous than those in the Rococo style.



Bureau à deux pentes

See detail

Secrétaire en trompe l'oeil

See detail

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